1. Waiting For My Phone To Dry 3:46
2. Birds Build Nests In Letters 3:55
3. Liquid Hyper Tweeker Energy Drinks 3:48
4. Lose Weight By Crying! Ask Me How! 2:31
5. At The Mall In Klamath Falls 3:30
6. My Phone Is Still Wet 4:30
7. I Love CA (Intersection Vendor Ending) 6:21
8. D.U.I. BBQ Checkpoint 2:43
9. Dismantle/Rebuild 2:34
10. Indie Rock Freestyle 2:55
11. The Town Where I'm Livin' Now 4:42
12. Still Waiting For My Phone To Dry... 4:13
This is no longer available on Lytle's website, so get it here.
perfect piece of masterpiece!